Ilaria Vigorelli, PhD and ThD, is teaching Systematic Theology at the Pontifical University of Holy Cross (Rome). Her main research field is the relation between Philosophy and Theology, in Late Antiquity as in Postmodern Society. She has published a monograph on the philosophical logos in postmodern discourse (Proprietà di parola. La metafora in Jacques Derrida, Mimesis: Milan 2015), a monograph on Trinitarian Ontology (La relazione. Dio e l’uomo, Città Nuova: Rome 2020) and many articles on the Logos in Early Christian Theology, mainly Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa.
She leads the Research Group ROR (Relational Ontology Research) at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross; She is a member of the Association Internationale des Etudes Patristiques (AIEP) and President of Fondazione Marco Vigorelli.